Holistic Integration: Support for the Inner Journey

Expanded states of consciousness are sometimes planned and at others, take us by surprise. Life naturally provides us with moments that hold the potential to catapult us out of our ordinary perceptions and into an expanded world view, one that looks very different than the ways in which we were perceiving before that transformative moment arose in our consciousness.

These vital moments help us to become more at-one-with Life. They provide us opportunity to expand our awareness into the ever evolving realm of possibility. As we attune to the offering that is being provided by such moments we are given opportunity to recollect and resource our connection to humanity and to that which is greater than ourselves.

Such moments include being struck with awe by the majesty and beauty of nature, witnessing the birth of new life, dancing in ecstatic bliss, being taken away by the sounds of music, being brought to other worlds while in a bodywork session, witnessing the passage of a loved into the unknown realms of death. Such moments can also be moved into byway of support of plant and fungi medicines of which the earth provides.

Consciously journeying into expanded states that lend a hand in our healing is ultimately a solo mission but one that does not need to be done alone.

Support is available.

Navigating the inner realms that are amplified when moving through these expanded states of consciousness can be challenging to do on our own. It is extremely helpful to have a network of support available to aide the easing into such an experience and to support the weaving of the heart-mind threads together again once the peak moment has passed. Deep healing and transformation takes time, it is a process. A process that is best benefited by tending to continuously.

Bridging the gap between mind centered experiences and the body aides in our capacity to integrate the changes that are created from the lived experience of expanded states of consciousness. Receiving bodywork can also help prepare the passageway of the journey that lays ahead. Bringing the experience of mind into an embodied and grounded state anchors the experience into the realm of what is perceived as real and tangible.

Working with a skilled practitioner who has experience navigating expanded states of consciousness offers the support of a knowing witness to walk with you on the healing journey. The added components of bodywork, compassionate listening & non-judgemental witnessing with gentle guidance can help nourish the process of transformation.

Bodywork Support for Preparation and Integration


Where is our common ground?