Where is our common ground?

When humanity can find the common ground for what it means ‘to heal and be healed’ we may find that the roots of Chinese Medicine had it figured out long ago.

Meeting in the place where we can recognize the fundamental truth that suffering does not distinguish between difference in race, social status, gender, etc., when we can meet in that place that acknowledges that the suffering of one is no different than the suffering of the other, perhaps then we will find the common denominator that allows us to access the key that unlocks the door to our united healing. 

We can’t help but serve one another simply by being. We are a part of an intricate web of mutuality, of interconnected oneness supporting and enhancing the expression of life as we know it. Shaping life with our consciousness, our perspective and awareness, grants permission for realities to remain as they are
- or -
to evolve into a greater majesty of unity.

Holding the Big picture at Heart allows more space for the unfolding within ourselves and each other. Allowing the heart-mind to settle into that Greater Presence of the expanded mind creates necessary space for potentiality to emerge; the potentiality for change, a movement toward a pronounced expression of health, of Life.

As practitioners (and recipients) of the healing art we get to act as the canvas and the paint.

Who is directing the paint brush?

I’ll leave that up to you to decide. 


Holistic Integration: Support for the Inner Journey


Acupuncture for Addiction Recovery Support